Find out the Best Health & Fitness Apps For Android that help you keep yourself maintained. You will get a lot of useful information regarding workouts and ultimately boosting your exercise motivation level. This way you will remain fit and healthy without feeling any anxiety, and your Android smartphone, tablet or android wear (smart watch) will be your companion to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
Top 5 Health & Fitness Apps For Samsung, Xiaomi & Huawei Phones
1. Abs Workout
ABS Workout application for Android devices is really helpful to maintain your daily AB workouts. This app can schedule your exercises & aerobics to turn your body into perfect 6 pack abs. You will have to follow the schedule of exercises for 42 days. You won’t need to pay a expensive visit to GYM, when you have got this free app on your Android smartphone or tablet.
2. RunKeeper – GPS Track Run Walk
Looking to improve your fitness and need to track your running activity at the same time? You came at the right place. RunKeeper is one of the simplest way to track your running either by walking, bike rides or a deep dive of marathon training. This app can help to accurately measure and track the running pace, cycling speed, route distance, elevation, calorie burning and lots of more fantastic features. This app uses your smartphone’s GPS to track all such data.
3. Google Fit
Do you own any Android wear smart watch? You will need to have an app to track your physical fitness activities. The app will analyse your fitness activity data and will suggest improvements to setup your new goals and achieve new and better life style. The app is very popular and is known as Google Fit. Extremely good to be used with Android wear and Android smartphones for improving health and fitness.
4. Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal
Want to track or know the number of calories in the food you are having in your daily breakfast, lunch and dinner routine? Here’s a best app that has millions of foods listed with the number of calories each food used to serve. According to this app, you will exactly know what short exercise will be feasible for certain amount of calories consumed by the human body. In short you will be recommended for certain easy exercises as per your food calorie consumption. Therefore this app is definitely useful to lose extra pounds of weight you have gained over the period of time.
5. BMI Calculator – Weight Loss
Body Mass Index Calculator is another great yet important app that helps to inform you about your body mass index, waist to height ratio, body fat percentage and calorie consumption levels. It will also help you to track your energy expenditure that is internal heat produced and physical activity levels.
Here I have tried to sum up best health & fitness apps for Android smartphones, tablets and android wear devices such as smart watches. These apps will not only help you maintain your physical fitness, but they will also generate data, that you can export to other health and fitness hardware or software devices.