We are all aware of the growth of already huge Android Application Collection, apps and games that we can install for literally whatever we want, from business to entertainment or just to waste time. This luxury comes with a price in form of an error – Low on Space. Even most advanced of the Android Smart Phones or Tablets ran out of space every now and then.

Sometimes it is easy to clean up and get rid of this problem and sometimes it really hit nerves. Owning a tablet with a brilliant hardware coupled with 8GB of storage I usually have to face this issue regularly because I have to install a lot of apps including HD Games, business applications, browsers and graphics applications. I have to try these apps for making video demos, tutorial or reviews. My 8GB internal storage doesn’t allow me to install that many apps. Luckily I don’t have to keep all the android apps I usually install, but uninstalling an app is not always the final solution.
After much trial and error I found myself a method to handle my storage problem more effectively.
Tips to Tackle Low Disk Storage Problem on Android Devices
- Use an External SD card of 16GB or above depending on your usage to store pictures, songs, music, ebooks, videos or just any other file.
- Remember to Move photos or movies you made from camera or files you downloaded from Internet or transferred through Bluetooth to SD Card frequently to keep internal storage free for the app you may install.
- Android install apps on internal storage however users can move an app to external sd card storage using Settings -> Apps. Make sure whenever you install an app, see if you can move it to external sd card storage.
- Check in to Settings –> Storage if you can set your SD Card for Default Write Disk. If you have this feature; Enable it.
- Make sure whenever you uninstall an app you first Clear Data in the Settings -> App.
- Make sure you don’t have an app you do not use. Uninstall it from settings after Clear Data.
- If you have apps that read RSS feeds make sure you remove old feeds you no longer needs. Some apps offer auto removal of old feeds, enable those settings.
Most Important: Internet browsers take huge chunk of space if you surf frequently. Make sure you do regular cache clean up of Internet browsers using Settings -> [your browser] -> Clear Data.
- Have a look at Top 8 Apps to Free Storage Space & Clear Junk Files.
Warning: Cleaning your Internet Browsers Data & Cache will remove browser history and any settings you may have set including any saved login & passwords. You will have to sign in to websites again. But on the positive side, you can get yourself hundreds of MBs free.